High Street
Brand Identity & Website & Copy
High Street Dispensary is a new cannabis shop opening soon in Hackettstown, NJ. Notes on branding were modern, cool and simple while catering to all ages and steering away from stereotypes. We're very excited to see what we build as the store itself builds, including a more in depth website, signage and merch down the line. See the creative process below:
Since we have no image to based our logo off of, we referenced "street" symbols paired with clean typography.

The client wanted shades of greens and organic colors, so we started with different ranges of green and accent colors. Also accompanied them with photos for inspiration to start to build a visual brand.

We then worked on the style guide to put it all together. First we started with lighter, earthy colors and then gravitated towards black, white and cooler greens. We also added round logo elements along the way to give options for different marketing uses.

Put together a mobile and desktop page for some High Street buzz with all the information you need to visit this awesome dispensary.